
Emotional Healing through Validation and Parts Work

Honoring and Healing Your Wounded Parts Emotional healing through the art of validation and parts work, is one of the most effective approaches to therapy. One of the biggest obstacles in emotional healing often involves conflicts between different parts of ourselves. Although that might sound strange, it’s not uncommon to use language referring to these unique parts. For example, “Part of me wants to stick to my diet, while another part of me wants to eat that whole chocolate cake.” Different parts of ourselves have different agendas. Even with the best of intentions, we may still sabotage ourselves. Sometimes these parts serve a purpose of protecting us from vulnerable feelings. We often suppress different parts of us that carry shame or pain that are otherwise too painful to fully acknowledge. What is Parts Work? There are a number of ways in which we try to avoid emotional pain. Parts of us may work to distract or numb pain through shopping, harmful substances, or even

Is online therapy as effective as in office appointments?

Although telehealth isn’t new, it became more popular out of necessity during the outbreak of Covid-19. Online appointments became common practice for many professionals including doctors, lawyers, counselors, and even school teachers! And with time, many professionals and their clients or patients discovered the convenience and effectiveness of online appointments and haven't looked back!  Telehealth provides access to therapy for many people that would otherwise not be able to reap the benefits. Whether your reason has been that you’re too busy , or you fear the stigma of being seen by someone in a waiting room, or you simply prefer to stay in your pajama bottoms and tackle life remotely - online therapy can be the answer. If you're still on the fence with how to fit therapy into your life , we get it. Online therapy isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay!  We offer both online and in-person therapy, and would love the chance to help make scheduling just a little easier.  Call

Best Couples Counselors/therapists In St George 

Does couples therapy really work? Before giving up on your relationship, it is important to consider what the research tells us.  Studies show a 75% effectiveness rate for couples that choose to participate in couples counseling and continue to apply the principles taught in therapy.  There can be many reasons for couples to consider trying  couples counseling .  Some of the most common reasons include: Having the same arguments over and over Ignoring or avoiding problems and never resolving ongoing issues Physical intimacy problems Blended families and co-parenting concerns Not everyone’s problems will look the same.  Working with a professional counselor can help you identify your specific issues and learn effective ways to resolve them.  For example, you may enter  couples therapy  hoping to solve your  differences in sexual desire . Your therapist may assess and help you discover that your sexual issues hinge more around broken trust and poor communication. In this ca

5 Steps to Reconnect to our Emotions and find Common Ground

Understanding Today’s Divisiveness Everyone is speaking about how divisive our country is right now. But why? And how do we reverse course to find common ground? I suggest looking more closely at our own emotions and how we are behaving towards each other.  You see, there is a pattern that we can zoom in on. Every day we see chaos around us. We watch it on TV. We see it on our social media. We see just about everything in our society being politically used.  To really understand the ‘why’ behind the intense divisiveness, we really must stop and look at brain function (stay with me now!). We know that when our fight or flight system (the part of our brain that triggers a stress response that prepares the body to fight, flee, or freeze) is triggered, all logical brain functioning is lost. In other words, our logical brain has now been flooded with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones shut down logical brain functioning. Now you may ask, what happ